Saturday, March 13, 2021

film additions

 The voiceovers for the new script have been officially added. As stated in my previous post, I wanted to write the voiceovers to make clear of Isabella's inner thoughts about what she feels about being the new kid. Take a look at the picture below to see the new and improved script with these voiceovers!

For a clearer view of this new script, click here.

Before explaining more about the new additions, let’s go over why I wrote the voiceovers for Isabella in this tone. When thinking about how someone who is entirely new to a different place might react, I thought it fitting for Isabella to have a gloomy, pessimistic outlook because that’s how many people who are new to another environment react, especially if they didn’t want to move in the first place, just like Isabella in this case. They deeply miss the place where they’re from and want nothing more but to go back to their home. I wanted to reflect this common feeling onto Isabella- and with how the voiceovers look now, I think I succeeded 😌.

However, this new addition to our film does not stand alone, for we have a new character in the works! As you can tell by the script, a character with the given name of "Isabella's mom" is added to the script! Although she doesn't say anything about it, Isabella's mom is going to be a single mother, taking care of her only daughter. This is done to give representation to single mothers who have to balance work and taking care of their children. 

We are still looking for someone to play this new character.

But it doesn’t stop there! Me and Isa have added one more elements to this opening: where Isabella and her mom are from. I wanted to have it be San Diego mainly because of how far it is from Florida. I figured that in order to show how entirely new Isabella is to not only her new school, but state of residency, I could make San Diego her hometown, as it is geographically much farther than Florida. 

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my CCR

During my time working on the movie, I have created a Creative Critical Reflection (CCR) to answer the 4 specific questions about my movie: ...